The Wind
Nothing was the same after the wind changed
It came out from nowhere and left us all estranged
Bent, broken and stretched
It took us to a place so far-fetched
Is anything ever the same
After playing this life game?
Many say no
But we learn as we grow
We never win
By fighting against the wind
Rather, if we bend
We will truly win in the end
For when the East wind comes
We sill surely become
More like our Father's daughters and sons
So let the wind stretch, move and bend you
As you become new
In all the seasons You're allowed to go through
Hem of His Garment
One....two.... now three
This might be the death of me
For my disgrace is too great to bear
Why isn't my life fair?
I'm tired of being the target
If only I could touch the Hem of His Garment
For I truly felt His power
Cleanse me through like a shower
It gave me much freedom
As if I was a cup bearer to His Kingdom
For I gathered the grain of His harvest
Just by touching the Hem of His Garment
Oh, could it be
That You would be searching for me?
Exposed and seen like never before
To be accepted and fully restored
I was not rejected by my artist
But rather, noticed....
When I touched the Hem of His Garment
When His Wheat Becomes Bread....
Looking and mapping
Plowing and planting
It's time to entrust
Before we return to dust
May these seeds
Truly feed
For one day
Just maybe
This wheat will become bread
Excited to see
Just beyond the oak tree
Growth all around
For this is heaven bound
Taking inventory
All for Your Glory
For there's great hope
That one day
This wheat will become bread
Walking along the field
Listening as I yield
You whisper to me
All the things You've allowed to be
For each seed planted
You never took for granted
For days
You developed
This wheat indeed became bread