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  • Writer's pictureAmy Frazier

“Hey, Pull Over!”

Updated: May 20, 2021

About a couple of months ago, my husband and I finished remodeling our front and side yards around the house. We added a deck and hired landscapers to finish off each side. We love being outdoors and this beautiful deck allowed us to sit outside almost every night. We outfitted it with chairs and a couple of couches. I had some old rugs and tables to finish the decor. All we needed to complete this oasis was a fire-pit.

One spring night, Jared, Howie (our beagle) and I decided to take the golf cart “Trusty 8“ for a spin. We headed out of the driveway, and made a right hand turn on Rock Creek Road. About a half a mile from our house we decided to turn around since it was getting chilly. As we passed a house, to my right, there I noticed it. On the side of the road, left for “big trash day,” laid this perfect treasure. I yelled with excitement, “Hey Jared, pull over! There’s a free fire-pit!”

As Jared looked over to my direction, he hesitated. It looked ok. We decided to load it on the golf cart and take it home, just to make sure it wasn’t a “lemon.” As we entered our property, Jared realized we needed a propane tank. So off to the store we went. When we returned, we had this free fire-pit in the middle of our deck, ready to connect. As Jared connected the propane tank to the igniter, we noticed it wouldn’t start. Sadly, there was a strong sense that this wasn’t a true “treasure” after all.

As we sat there disappointed, we realized that “big ticket items” cost extra to toss, so we decided to load the fire-pit on “Trusty 8” again and place it right back where we found it.

We quickly came up with a strategy on how to deliver it. As we approached the curb, we slowly stopped and looked for any signs of life sitting on the front porch. We turned the headlights off the golf cart. Then, we hurriedly lifted the fire-pit and placed it gently on the ground. My heart was beating so fast that I lost control of my footing as we were lowering it. I shouted for Jared to lift the fire-pit back up. (At that point if humans were outside they would’ve seen and heard everything) Once we got free of the fire pit, we floored “Trusty 8” all the way home laughing hysterically at what just happened.

Treasures are hard to find.

I remember thinking of a quote I wrote the other day: “I search for You as for hidden treasure because You’re the only treasure worth finding.” Matthew‬ ‭13:44-46‬ ‭(ESV‬‬) says, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”

A true treasure is found when we know it’s value. By understanding what it represents and brings to us, we will do whatever it takes to possess it, if it means selling everything we own or searching until we find it.

I think situations in our lives bring us to this place of search. If we weren’t in a drought or dry land, why would we be on the lookout for something valuable? But when our living environment is parched, we understand the need and begin to hunt.

If we find it, we will never look again.

May we continue to search until we find the only treasure worth keeping.

From a traveler just passing through...


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