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Writer's pictureAmy Frazier

He Holds Us Up

Updated: Mar 28, 2019

Joshua 1:5 (CSB) "No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. I will be with you, just as you live. I will be with you, just as I was with Moses. I will not leave you or abandon you."

”I don’t even know anymore....” I’ve said this phrase quite frequently from the depths of my heart. Disappointed in several things, overlooked in many, and misunderstood by a few; will I ever see the sun rise? I think many of us can relate to this feeling. A journey that unfortunately we must endure as a believer in making us more like our Creator.

Long suffering…or maybe should I say, Long-standing…continually enduring this trial or trials through, sometimes, utter exhaustion. Will we see an end? Yes, but no timeframe given, only a promise that God is with us through it all. Isaiah 41:13 (ESV) says, “For I Am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand; it is I who says to you, “Fear not, I am the One who helps you.”

We are never alone in our struggle, in the depths of our unexplainable pain. God is not only there with us as our Father, but He is supporting us. What a beautiful picture to hold us by our right hand. When our pain is too much to stand, we are on shaky ground and we are too overwhelmed to keep our head up, or even get up, He is there holding us up, encouraging us to stand firm.

Many biblical commentaries say that the “right hand” mentioned in God’s Word references authority, blessing, strength, sacrifice and sovereignty. Many passages outline these truths from the old testament to the new.

There is beauty in knowing that God is communicating His deep love to us by holding us up on the right hand of blessing, on the right hand of strength, on the right hand of authority, and it’s beyond what we can grasp. There was a time I used to struggle with the thought of God being for us, then one day that thought was erased by a circumstance I least expected. God is so faithful to us who are wanderers. God is so consistent to us who are uncommitted. God is so wise to us who are fools.

Lord, help our unbelief and allow us to see You rightly! Allow us to see You on Your Throne, holding us up when we need You most.

From a grateful guest,

A traveler just passing through….


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