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Writer's pictureAmy Frazier

I Am Thirsty, In Need of the Living Water!

Updated: Nov 10, 2018

John 4:10 (HCSB) “Jesus answered, If you knew the gift of God, and who is saying to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would ask Him, and He would give you living water.”

I heard the Lord say, “Walk away.” It was ever so slightly, but clearly stated. I had a choice to make about this relationship, but it was so hard to make the decision…Well, it still is...

Have you ever struggled with making a decision because you didn’t want to make it? You enjoyed the season, and maybe you were fearful of leaving someone who you knew would be helpful for you, or would they?

I was listening to a sermon on YouTube from my favorite pastor, Carter Conlon, at Times Square Church in New York City, the other day. If I ever go back to New York, I would love to visit his church and hear him preach. He has an incredible way of explaining God’s Word in practical ways. In one of his recent sermons, “It All Began With A Thirsty Woman,” Carter, describes the ‘Woman at the Well,’ as we know her, as thirsty for God’s blessing. She had a deep longing for God’s promises to be revealed in her life. Just imagine having five husbands and the current guy you’re with, you aren’t married to. She must have wanted a heritage and a family. She must have wanted to know what it meant to worship a living Savior and to be whole for the first time.

The ‘Woman at the Well’ was in a struggle. She was trying to seek the blessing of God, but she didn’t have a heart that sought-after God. Carter states, “You have to deal with the truth about where you are. That’s where it all begins. A lot of people want the blessing of God but they’re not willing to deal with the truth of where they presently are.”

Wow, how many of us aren’t willing to get real with our sin, our idols, our strongholds that can so easily restrain us from the blessings of God? We aren’t willing to “walk away” from what we hold dear. We have an inner struggle with what we think is best for us verses what God knows to be best for us. We don’t lay down the decision because the inner struggle is stronger than our faith.

The ‘Woman at the Well’ did not deal with her current struggles but kept making the same mistakes over and over again. She needed eyes to see (from her Loving Savior) just how wretched she was and in need of the Living Water.

The only one who can reveal our need and wretched state is Jesus. He reveals our sin to us by the conviction of the Holy Spirit. It is there that we can recognize our sin and repent from it and turn to Christ. John 4:23 (HCSB) says, “But an hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. Yes, the Father wants such people to worship Him.”

Carter goes on to say, “If you’re going to know the blessings of God there are certain things you have to get up and walk away from, and things you have to get up and walk towards. That’s how you start on the road to the blessing of God.” John 4:24 (HCSB) says, “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

I find it very interesting that one of the most quoted worship passages in scripture is found in a conversation with a Samaritan and a Jew. Our Living Savior made His gift available to a woman that was not to even associate with Him. God gives us ALL this free gift, eternal life, a life that will never thirst again. There are no restrictions of persons to this gift and God is willing, right now, to give it!

I know in my heart that God has a plan for my life and for you too. Let us both walk in this truth so nothing in our life is in the way of what God wants to give us.

May we always walk away from the things that keep us from God’s blessing and may we run toward the things that keep us there.

As always, I’m learning right there with ya,

Thankful For His Grace,


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