It was a brisk sunny day at Scissortail Park on this particular Friday afternoon. It was my time to pray over UNITE and our city for revival. I had a dear friend with me, Gloria, who was also praying for UNITE that day. She has been my "Aaron" this year and it has been a true blessing.
This day, as we always do, we prayed outloud. Sometimes when you are praying against warfare, you get loud. I was praying outloud, very boldly, as I noticed a homeless lady on the Love's Stage just a few hundred yards away. She was yelling back at us with her hands flying in the air. She was hearing us as we were praying and thought we were yelling at her. She seemed not all there, bless her heart. But I also felt like she was struggling with a demonic spirit that hated to hear Jesus being glorified and praised.
Seeing this, I turned to my friend Gloria and asked if we could move closer to her. That way she could hear us praying and not be alarmed. We moved up at least three feet away from her. I was ready to run if she came after us. It seemed to get worse as she continued to raise her voice and give us some rather nice pleasantries, if you know what I mean....
Right at that moment, I heard the Lord say, "sing to her". The Holy Spirit gave me an old hymn that came right to me, "Holy, Holy, Holy." I started singing, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee..." and as I started singing, this lady relaxed her flying arms, down to her side, sat down in a chair next to her, and began to listen so calmly. It was as if she was completely relaxed. She was disarmed and after I was done with the first chorus, she looked at me as if to say, "You better keep going!" So I did for a few more choruses.
While this was happening, it reminded me of David in the bible where he played for King Saul to relieve him of his torment. I believe that is what Gloria and I were doing for this woman. After we sang, she just sat there with a smile on her face and remained quiet. We asked if she wanted us to pray for her and she declined. It was a special moment that I won't forget.
There are so many passages in scripture where God uses His people to play, sing, shout and pray to battle the enemy. 2 Chronicles 20:22, "And when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, which were against Judah; and they were smitten." And what about Joshua 6, where in the battle of Jericho, God uses the sound of trumpets and shouting of His people to physically tear down the walls of the enemy. Worship through music is powerful! It breaks strongholds just by the first note. I wonder what kind of power is behind a person singing and playing, if they are totally sold out to God? I believe the literal power of the Most High God is within them. Nothing will stop His annointed Ones when they are truly His! That's unstoppable power!
I was so glad to be a witness of what God did for this homeless lady and the relief she experienced because Gloria and I were obedient to serve in that way. UNITE is a city worship gathering and what an example to share with those who fight in worship that what they are doing is truly powerful. It is needed and relieves so many who are held in bondage. Many people need to be freed. Are we obedient to free them?
From A Traveler Just Passing Through....